Paradise Fire
The level of need here in Chico/ Paradise area is greater than anyone of us can wrap our minds around. God’s grace has been manifested in ways beyond explanation. Got [...]
Steps To Salvation
STEP 1 God loves you and has a plan for you!The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever [...]
New Transportation For Lamont Nash E Bike
This is an opportunity to step in and help our friend Lamont Nash get some new transportation. As many of you know, Lamont has been fighting cancer and has had [...]
Crisis In Our Classrooms
Survey to guard the faith of our children: first the process, then the survey. The essential truth of the Word of God, the Holy Bible is foundational to the faith [...]
(Dis)Respect for Marriage Act
Mat Staver sent this URGENT UPDATE from LIBERTY COUNSEL. Let us pray through and act on this information, and ask the Lord to stop this insanity that is taking place across our [...]
Israel Needs The Gospel
We visited this amazing ministry in Israel. God is using them in amazing ways to bring true restoration to Israel!! Each month we have over 500,000 Views of our Gospel […]
Dear friend and man of God Marc Stevens
This link is for a dear friend and man of God Marc Stevens. He was diagnosed with a dangerous cancer on the brain. Please click link and consider participating in […]
Good friend John Hurford at YWAM Gleanings
So good to connect with my good friend John Hurford at YWAM Gleanings in Dinuba CA! We had a love feast with the whole base there including worship and [...]